Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas Present

Hello, friends!

(Oh yeah, Happy New Year, too!)

Yeah, it's been awhile. That always seems to happen, because you know, life.

I just had a spare second and remembered a few projects I've started since Christmas Break started about a month ago. (Mostly I've just been hemming a lot of thrift store skirts and have been too lazy to take before and after pictures because I don't have a camera timer clicker thing.)

So, this post is just a quick little hello (to all 4 of you) and a painting I did during exam week (yeah, I know, I'm still alive, ha) before I left for home!

Here it is!

This was my very first commission piece I've done for my friend Joseph to give to his girlfriend.

Basically, I've really been obsessed with fauvism since I was a junior in high school. I was in a college art class and I was asked to do a project where we picked an art movement to research and then created a piece of art that fit into that movement. I don't know, I just really love colors and it makes something mundane more creative in my opinion; plus it's super fun.

Here's a few "in the process" pictures:

If you have any questions about me doing a commission or have a picture you'd like me to look at to paint, let me know! This isn't any kind of "official" job or title or something I'm looking at pursuing right now--more of just a hobby. :)

Thank you for being awesome.

Follow me on Pinterest!

Oh yes, one other thing, I'm seriously considering redoing the entire layout of this blog (I actually hate it, a lot. It kills the designer in me looking at it.) So, if I ever complete that, it will happen hopefully sooner rather than later. :)