Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Half-Knit Pillow

Hello, friends!

A few days ago I saw this pattern on Pinterest and I thought, "Oh my word I need to make this."

So I did.

Although not perfect by any means, I am so excited about this pillow. Instead of needlessly describing all the steps for how I made it--because, you know the link up there does exactly that for you--I'm pretty much posting this so I have it "archived" for lack of a better word.

Here it is!

I mean, it has a knitted side and flowers on it. What more could you possibly want? ;)

Bonus (the only in-the-process picture I took):

I didn't have a blocking square so I used my floor to stretch the knit part out. (Not a horrible idea, not a great idea--you get what you pay for.) :)

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