Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog Header

Hello, friends!

It's kind of ridiculous to post about this and it makes me feel like a total nerd, but today I was searching for a free, easy, simple website to create graphic designs and fun eye-catching photos. I don't have photoshop or anything of that sort, but I discovered a website called Canva. It's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for and so easy to use, just like they promise (and free, we can't forget the free part.)

So, I created my new blog header! As you have probably already noticed, it's up at the top--you know, where the header belongs.

Here are the ones I began with until I ended up with the final one:


It's kind of sad how excited I am about this; however, I'd like to think of this as my first real milestone toward becoming somewhat of a graphic designer. (I say somewhat because I honestly don't know if that's what I'll end up doing for sure, but I'd like to.) I could create these for hours and still have fun doing it. I think I can say expect to see more things soon. :)

For the time being, I started an idea for my etsy shop (which isn't open yet), that I called "Living Sunny." I may change the name later, but I love the sun, so for now that's what it will be. It's super simple and it's still being tweaked a little bit, but I adore it:

Thank you for being awesome.
For reading this.

Follow me on Pinterest!


  1. I love the sun, too -- super cute. What kinds of things will you sell in your etsy shop?

    1. I don't exactly know for sure yet, but I'm coming up with a few ideas. Mostly things like lettering/cards, sewing projects, crafty things. We'll see what kinds of things I learn along the way too. I'm just going to start out small and see where it takes me. :)
