Sunday, September 28, 2014

Spontaneity, Independence, & Gifts All Around

Hello, friends!

Here's just a quick life update because it's sweet and I just felt like sharing:

Yesterday, I went on a solo adventure to the 4pm service at my church and then up Lookout Mountain. It's funny because I've lived in Chattanooga all my life, but I never actually get to go up there very much.

My good friend, Jenny B. prayed healing and completely hopeful words over me that God knew she needed to pray. I went to Sunset Rock and then Point Park only to receive the lovely gift of FEE FREE DAY (um, yes?) I met three groups of people and had conversations with complete out of towner–strangers. What? Me? 

Moving to Cleveland and living at Lee has been a strange and difficult season to move into. The Lord is trying to teach me independence. All my life I've had someone to cling to, but lately, I've felt alone. I've always been an outgoing introvert, so being alone has never been a problem, but I love having a few people to go to just to hang out or talk. Here I know there are wonderful people, people who love and accept me, but I haven't felt like I "fit in" anywhere. (Side note: I never really have – I've always just done my own thing.) 

I truly believe this is God telling me to take a step back in order to establish and know and remind myself: THIS is who I am and I will NOT compromise that by quickly jumping into the first group I find. He wants me to be independent all while being completely dependent on Him. It's kind of like one big spontaneous adventure, and if you know me, I'm the opposite of spontaneous.

I still don't completely have all my thoughts together about this, but He is teaching me to be bold and be still, and walk in Truth and He is lavishing me with gifts all around every. single. day. I'm just grateful. He does not give up on us.

“Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless. LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You.”
Psalm 84:10-12 «

“Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us, that we may live in His presence. Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hosea 6:1-3 «

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